First Publication of 2018
This time last year, I was two days in to my pending submission for “The Call of Uncopyrighted Intellectual Property” for The Cackle of Cthulhu anthology, and dreading January 20th, and starting to worry about finding a wedding venue (because we were 2 months behind on this, according to The Knot! commence panic or at…
Publication: “Mr. Quacky in Space”
My second publication is out at Cast of Wonders! Mr. Quacky in Space Important things to note: It is hosted by my friend Fonda Lee, who writes YA SF that you should go buy and read, because it (and she!) is awesome. That goes triple if you are a fan of excellently choreographed fight scenes. It is hosted…
On Hope; and First Pub
I started this post this on Tuesday, December 27, after learning about the death of Carrie Fisher. I’d hoped it’d be the last 2016 death in a long, long string of folks who, through their work and art, helped to spread joy and happiness to a lot of people. Then Debbie Reynolds, as well as Richard…
A letter to my former self circa March 2004
Dear Former Self Circa March 2004, I suppose it’s most common to write these sorts of things at five- or ten-year intervals. The whole “humans have five fingers on each hand, making multiples of five and ten natural points at which to parse out our world” thing. But I couldn’t have written you this letter…
Why I persist in writing
Chuck Wendig has a not-flash-fiction writing challenge up at his blog to write on the topic “why I write.” Since it’s been *mumblemumblesnarzle* months since I posted anything, I figured, why not? Only I’m putting a slight twist on it to write about why I persist in writing.* I’ve blogged previously about how annoying I…
The hat of realism
I try to limit my posts about writing, since I have my doubts about their widespread appeal versus, say, amusing fictionalizations featuring my dog, or perhaps zombies and brownies recipes. (Which probably also have limited appeal, but whatevs.) However, the issue of realistic expectations has been on my mind recently, and because I think my brain periodically…
Semi-coherent thoughts, post-VP18
I’ve returned from the Viable Paradise workshop, and now that I am somewhat less sleep-deprived, I have thoughts. General Viable Paradise is awesome. Those who are working to break into the SFF field should apply. It is intense. Eat a cookie if you need to. (Mac will ensure there is a cookie or other treat…
Let the Kermit flailing commence!
It is with great enthusiasm and much Kermit-flailing that I announce my acceptance to Viable Paradise 18. For those who did not click on the link above, Viable Paradise is a week-long writing workshop focusing on SFF. It pulls in successful instructors–this year’s bunch includes Steven Brust, Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden, and Scott Lynch, among others–and…
Creative State
It’s been awhile since I’ve provided any sort of writing update, and I find myself with a dearth of post ideas. So: I’m 98k-ish into my current project (though I already know at least 10k of that will be scrapped). I’m calling it YA comic fantasy, and it is a 3rd revision of an idea I…
The fallacy of “When I retire, I’ll write a book.”
In last week’s cop-out post, I mentioned that one of the topics I’d considered writing on before copping out was the fallacy of the notion of beginning to write once retired. It’s perpetuated in a commercial for an investment company commercial that encourages you to think about saving your money for your retirement, when you’ll…