2024 Awards Eligibility
image: text listing my work eligible for awards this year, which will be listed out below in greater detail It’s that time of year again, when writers everywhere toot their own horns about the works they’ve had published, remind folks “these are eligible for things, you know!” and ask for readers’ consideration. So! I had…
2023 Awards Eligibility
Hello, and welcome to 2024! As it says on the tin, this is an awards eligibility post. I published four original short stories in 2023, all of which are eligible for the various awards in the short fiction category! If people only read one of my stories, I would be most pleased if it’s “The…
A figure in a cowboy hat appears, brim pulled low over her eyes. She tilts her head up to survey the wasteland before her and shakes her head sadly as a lone tumbleweed blows past. “It is past time to abandon the land of Blog,” she says, “for the more fertile and populated realm of…
We Always Knew There’d Be More Work To Do.
Here’s where I’m at right now: I’m cautiously optimistic that Biden will win, though it’s not the blowout I/we’d hoped for, and honestly flipping the Senate is looking grim. Seeing that there won’t be a blue wave, that it’s not a wipeout for Trump, is disheartening, yes. Because when you pile up all of Trump’s…
Things What I Gave Birth To in 2019: An Awards Eligibility Post
So this year I had a baby. And so I can now say from personal experience to all those who have called their stories their “babies”: OMG ARE YOU F-IN KIDDING ME??!?!?! My stories never woke me up overnight every 60-90 minutes, crying for feeding/diaper change/cuddling, and even if they did I could’ve shouted, “Leave…
Publication: Love, Death, and Printed Burgers
Note: This post was originally drafted in late June. As today, July 31, I’m firmly in the throes of caring for the tiny human mentioned in the post, I’m presenting it without any additions or changes. –Amanda As I write this, my husband and I recently finished several rounds of testing on our dog, Cassia,…
Publication: Artemis Rising 5
The Escape Artists podcasts are again doing their Artemis Rising series. This is my second time participating in Artemis Rising–the first being “Mr. Quacky in Space” at Cast of Wonders–and this year, I’m in it twice: First at Podcastle, with a reprint and cast of “Starr Striker Should Remain Capitol City’s Resident Superhero, by Keisha…
Things What I Had Published in 2018
Sooo to go by my posting, I had one story published this year. It’s actually three, with one more coming out later this week. Oops! But it’s a new day, and almost a new year, so allow me to quickly recap things what I had published this year. “The Call of Uncopyrighted Intellectual Property” in The…
First Publication of 2018
This time last year, I was two days in to my pending submission for “The Call of Uncopyrighted Intellectual Property” for The Cackle of Cthulhu anthology, and dreading January 20th, and starting to worry about finding a wedding venue (because we were 2 months behind on this, according to The Knot! commence panic or at…
Life Changes and Awards, I Am Eligible for Them
So. A lot of stuff, on a personal level, happened in 2017. I resigned from my dayjob. (Thereby saving myself from the annual holiday-time layoffs that I’m 99% sure that this year, I wouldn’t have survived.) I moved in with my then-fiance, now husband. I married said then-fiance, now husband. (Photo by the VERY AWESOME…