Get baked
So I’ve been following Miss Snark’s First Victim since, I think, close to her blog’s conception. She is one of those people who is made of awesome. And she’s got an awesome contest coming up: the 2013 Baker’s Dozen, which is detailed here. It is my goal to have my ms. done so that I…
3 of my favorite lines from my WIP
Herewith, three of my favorite lines from my work in progress, in no particular order, and including only enough context for the lines themselves to make sense. 1. “It’ll be all right.” The knife-wielding shadows in his eyes said he knew it was a lie, but neither of us admitted it. 2. I waved expansively…
3 things I love about writing, with footnotes
Writing is work, and writing is hard, and therefore, despite those who believe that writing is this lovely thing that happens magically when fairies sneeze or angels blink, or as the result of some other event that requires no effort whatsoever (these people tend to not be writers themselves), I sometimes need to remind myself of what I like…
Writing as a third world problem
A couple of weeks ago, my then-two-month-old laptop died a rather anticlimatic death. I attempted to boot it up, only to have it try to boot from a media device that didn’t exist on the machine. Huh, thought I, I guess this might explain those messages I was getting about Windows shutting down unexpectedly, even…