As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m revamping my site to include my posts from my soon-to-be-defunct Storied Baker site (successfully imported! huzzah!), and also applying my license to use Thesis over here.
Nice in theory, but it does mean I have to deal with the learning curve of Thesis 2.0. Things may be a bit messy while I sort everything out. I would go ahead and set up a 404 page while I get things prettified, but I am sad to admit that if I were to do that, the page might be up for a long, long time (because yeah, I first talked about doing this 7 months ago), and then how would people read all my zombie baking posts and natterings about my dog?
I mean, sure, nothing truly dies on the Internet and someone may have taken a screenshot at some point. But honestly? I’m not that egotistical.
So pardon my mess, whoever manages to stumble over here.