Category: Books

  • 10 Books that have stayed with me

    I was invited to do this on Facebook, of course, but seeing as I’ve failed to blog for *mumble3ishweeksmumble* I’m answering the meme here. In no particular order (except for “YES! I should mention that book!”), herewith 10 books that have stayed with me. 1. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy I read…

  • Babblings about character development

    As I’m currently fighting off a cold/potential bronchial infection and therefore find myself disinclined to pursue nonsedentary activities, I’ve been reading that vampire book set in WWII that I mentioned buying my last Miscellany Monday post. So far I’m wishing I’d gone for Keri Arthur or Kelley Armstrong. Or that I’d even decided to spend…

  • A trip to the bookstore and blatherings about genre

    Saturday afternoon I bounded from my car and to my local Borders with my $5 Borders Bucks print-out folded semi-neatly in my purse. I always have a sense of when joy purchasing a new mass market paperback for a total of $2–3 and change. A sign in the window drew my attention just as I…