Category: Humor

  • My passive aggressive ankle

    So last Thursday I twisted my right ankle. It’s not serious; I think it’s a mild sprain. I think this because, while I have always been able to walk on it (aside from the excruciating first minute or two immediately after twisting it), it nevertheless swelled up and turned red. The swelling is gone, now,…

  • 3 observations re: ideas

    Asking writers where their ideas come from is like asking oysters how they make pearls (or cancer; take your pick). Ideas propagate like rabbits listening to Marvin Gaye on loop. As with children, it is difficult to tell if ideas are ugly unless they belong to someone else.

  • 3 Differences between caring for a dog and a tiny human

    I never really understood why people suggest getting a dog as a means to prepare for actual childcare. I’m not a parent of a tiny human, but I am a parent of a dog, and on the basis of this experience alone, I can tell there are major differences between caring for the two. Here…

  • 3 Nemeses of curly hair

    Normally, I don’t mind my hair. I actually rather like it.   There are, however, three things I have identified as nemeses of curly hair, nemeses capable of turning a great hair day into a nightmare.