In real life, “I hate you and was only using you” does not mean “I love you.”
On Sunday afternoon, I had a killer headache that rendered me unable to do little more than binge-stream Netflix. One of the movies I watched was a French rom com called Populaire. It’s set in 1959 and features ingenue Rose Pamphyle, who takes a job as a secretary with Louis Echard, owner of an insurance…
Babblings about character development
As I’m currently fighting off a cold/potential bronchial infection and therefore find myself disinclined to pursue nonsedentary activities, I’ve been reading that vampire book set in WWII that I mentioned buying my last Miscellany Monday post. So far I’m wishing I’d gone for Keri Arthur or Kelley Armstrong. Or that I’d even decided to spend…
Thursday 300: Monster Prompt follow-up
Since the actual post is long enough, figured I’d put this in another entry. On the whole, I’m pleased with the monster prompt. Major issue is that there’s not enough hints from the beginning that Jeremy didn’t like his dog much, but for something that’s hardly edited (I added an “a” and changed a “for”…