The hat of realism
I try to limit my posts about writing, since I have my doubts about their widespread appeal versus, say, amusing fictionalizations featuring my dog, or perhaps zombies and brownies recipes. (Which probably also have limited appeal, but whatevs.) However, the issue of realistic expectations has been on my mind recently, and because I think my brain periodically…
A semi-fictional conversation with my dog*
(*Because it sounds slightly better than “conversation with myself,” whether semi-fictional or all fictional or with no adjective whatsoever. Also, hiiii! Let’s pretend I haven’t been absent for like three months, m’kay?) Me: Why do we talk about “media consumption”? Cassia: [head tilt] Me: Think about it. Media consumption, like we’re eating it. Cassia: [maintains head tilt] Me: But the food-consumption comparison doesn’t…
Semi-coherent thoughts, post-VP18
I’ve returned from the Viable Paradise workshop, and now that I am somewhat less sleep-deprived, I have thoughts. General Viable Paradise is awesome. Those who are working to break into the SFF field should apply. It is intense. Eat a cookie if you need to. (Mac will ensure there is a cookie or other treat…
Leaving on a jet plane
But I do know when I’ll be back again. October 18. In any case, by the time this post goes live, I will have gotten up at an ungodly hour (ungodly even for me, ridiculer of people who consider merely 6:00am early), boarded a shuttle, and will be on my way to Denver International Airport to attend my…
The Insomniac’s Lament
The Insomniac’s Lament O slumber, elude me no longer! Why must you monger Tiredness and grief? Long have I sought you (Little have I fought you) I wish I had caught you Six hours ago! But I stare at the ceiling Devoid of all feeling Except for frustration at you. TO SLEEP! TO LIE WITHOUT…
Keep stretching toward the light
I’d been working on a response to the Hachette-Amazon thing, but that doesn’t seem appropriate now. So I will say: If you’re struggling with depression, talk to someone. Go to an animal shelter and hug puppies and kittens. Talk to someone. Sit in the sunshine. Talk to someone. Read a favorite book or watch a…
3 Things I learned because of or from Gargoyles
Those of you whose preteen and teen years were in the ’90s, like mine were, may remember this: No? Well, how about this: (source: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/memorable-tv/images/36844291/title/gargoyles-photo) Yes! It is Gargoyles, which aired from 1994 through 1997, and of which I was a devoted watcher. This, of course, was in the dark days of no DVR, and so I…
My passive aggressive ankle
So last Thursday I twisted my right ankle. It’s not serious; I think it’s a mild sprain. I think this because, while I have always been able to walk on it (aside from the excruciating first minute or two immediately after twisting it), it nevertheless swelled up and turned red. The swelling is gone, now,…
I’m not dead
But I am headachy from exposure to the brightly burning orb in the sky. Go find some pictures of cats or dogs with which to entertain yourself. I will get you started. Cats that forgot how to cat Dogs that forgot how to dog